Writing Ada on Embedded Systems

Understanding the Ada Run-Time

Ada supports a high level of abstractness and expressiveness. In some cases, the compiler translates those constructs directly into machine code. However, there are many high-level constructs for which a direct compilation would be difficult. In those cases, the compiler links to a library containing an implementation of those high-level constructs: this is the so-called run-time library.

One typical example of high-level constructs that can be cumbersome for direct machine code generation is Ada source-code using tasking. In this case, linking to a low-level implementation of multithreading support — for example, an implementation using POSIX threads — is more straightforward than trying to make the compiler generate all the machine code.

In the case of GNAT, the run-time library is implemented using both C and Ada source-code. Also, depending on the operating system, the library will interface with low-level functionality from the target operating system.

There are basically two types of run-time libraries:

  • the standard run-time library: in many cases, this is the run-time library available on desktop operating systems or on some embedded platforms (such as ARM-Linux on a Raspberry-Pi).

  • the configurable run-time library: this is a capability that is used to create custom run-time libraries for specific target devices.

Configurable run-time libraries are usually used for constrained target devices where support for the full library would be difficult or even impossible. In this case, configurable run-time libraries may support just a subset of the full Ada language. There are many reasons that speak for this approach:

  • Some aspects of the Ada language may not translate well to limited operating systems.

  • Memory constraints may require reducing the size of the run-time library, so that developers may need to replace or even remove parts of the library.

  • When certification is required, those parts of the library that would require too much certification effort can be removed.

When using a configurable run-time library, the compiler checks whether the library supports certain features of the language. If a feature isn't supported, the compiler will give an error message.

You can find further information about the run-time library on this chapter of the GNAT User's Guide Supplement for Cross Platforms

Low Level Programming

Representation Clauses

We've seen in the previous chapters how Ada can be used to describe high level semantics and architecture. The beauty of the language, however, is that it can be used all the way down to the lowest levels of the development, including embedded assembly code or bit-level data management.

One very interesting feature of the language is that, unlike C, for example, there are no data representation constraints unless specified by the developer. This means that the compiler is free to choose the best trade-off in terms of representation vs. performance. Let's start with the following example:


type R is record
   V  : Integer range 0 .. 255;
   B1 : Boolean;
   B2 : Boolean;
end record
  with Pack;


struct R {
    unsigned int v:8;
    bool b1;
    bool b2;

The Ada and the C code above both represent efforts to create an object that's as small as possible. Controlling data size is not possible in Java, but the language does specify the size of values for the primitive types.

Although the C and Ada code are equivalent in this particular example, there's an interesting semantic difference. In C, the number of bits required by each field needs to be specified. Here, we're stating that v is only 8 bits, effectively representing values from 0 to 255. In Ada, it's the other way around: the developer specifies the range of values required and the compiler decides how to represent things, optimizing for speed or size. The Pack aspect declared at the end of the record specifies that the compiler should optimize for size even at the expense of decreased speed in accessing record components. We'll see more details about the Pack aspect in the sections about bitwise operations and mapping structures to bit-fields in chapter 6.

Other representation clauses can be specified as well, along with compile-time consistency checks between requirements in terms of available values and specified sizes. This is particularly useful when a specific layout is necessary; for example when interfacing with hardware, a driver, or a communication protocol. Here's how to specify a specific data layout based on the previous example:


type R is record
   V  : Integer range 0 .. 255;
   B1 : Boolean;
   B2 : Boolean;
end record;

for R use record
   --  Occupy the first bit of the first byte.
   B1 at 0 range 0 .. 0;

   --  Occupy the last 7 bits of the first byte,
   --  as well as the first bit of the second byte.
   V  at 0 range 1 .. 8;

   --  Occupy the second bit of the second byte.
   B2 at 1 range 1 .. 1;
end record;

We omit the with Pack directive and instead use a record representation clause following the record declaration. The compiler is directed to spread objects of type R across two bytes. The layout we're specifying here is fairly inefficient to work with on any machine, but you can have the compiler construct the most efficient methods for access, rather than coding your own machine-dependent bit-level methods manually.

Embedded Assembly Code

When performing low-level development, such as at the kernel or hardware driver level, there can be times when it is necessary to implement functionality with assembly code.

Every Ada compiler has its own conventions for embedding assembly code, based on the hardware platform and the supported assembler(s). Our examples here will work with GNAT and GCC on the x86 architecture.

All x86 processors since the Intel Pentium offer the rdtsc instruction, which tells us the number of cycles since the last processor reset. It takes no inputs and places an unsigned 64-bit value split between the edx and eax registers.

GNAT provides a subprogram called System.Machine_Code.Asm that can be used for assembly code insertion. You can specify a string to pass to the assembler as well as source-level variables to be used for input and output:


with System.Machine_Code; use System.Machine_Code; with Interfaces; use Interfaces; function Get_Processor_Cycles return Unsigned_64 is Low, High : Unsigned_32; Counter : Unsigned_64; begin Asm ("rdtsc", Outputs => (Unsigned_32'Asm_Output ("=a", High), Unsigned_32'Asm_Output ("=d", Low)), Volatile => True); Counter := Unsigned_64 (High) * 2 ** 32 + Unsigned_64 (Low); return Counter; end Get_Processor_Cycles;

The Unsigned_32'Asm_Output clauses above provide associations between machine registers and source-level variables to be updated. =a and =d refer to the eax and edx machine registers, respectively. The use of the Unsigned_32 and Unsigned_64 types from package Interfaces ensures correct representation of the data. We assemble the two 32-bit values to form a single 64-bit value.

We set the Volatile parameter to True to tell the compiler that invoking this instruction multiple times with the same inputs can result in different outputs. This eliminates the possibility that the compiler will optimize multiple invocations into a single call.

With optimization turned on, the GNAT compiler is smart enough to use the eax and edx registers to implement the High and Low variables, resulting in zero overhead for the assembly interface.

The machine code insertion interface provides many features beyond what was shown here. More information can be found in the GNAT User's Guide, and the GNAT Reference manual.

Interrupt Handling

Handling interrupts is an important aspect when programming embedded devices. Interrupts are used, for example, to indicate that a hardware or software event has happened. Therefore, by handling interrupts, an application can react to external events.

Ada provides built-in support for handling interrupts. We can process interrupts by attaching a handler — which must be a protected procedure — to it. In the declaration of the protected procedure, we use the Attach_Handler aspect and indicate which interrupt we want to handle.

Let's look into a code example that traps the quit interrupt (SIGQUIT) on Linux:


with System.OS_Interface; package Signal_Handlers is protected type Quit_Handler is function Requested return Boolean; private Quit_Request : Boolean := False; -- -- Declaration of an interrupt handler for the "quit" interrupt: -- procedure Handle_Quit_Signal with Attach_Handler => System.OS_Interface.SIGQUIT; end Quit_Handler; end Signal_Handlers;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Signal_Handlers is protected body Quit_Handler is function Requested return Boolean is (Quit_Request); procedure Handle_Quit_Signal is begin Put_Line ("Quit request detected!"); Quit_Request := True; end Handle_Quit_Signal; end Quit_Handler; end Signal_Handlers;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Signal_Handlers; procedure Test_Quit_Handler is Quit : Signal_Handlers.Quit_Handler; begin while True loop delay 1.0; exit when Quit.Requested; end loop; Put_Line ("Exiting application..."); end Test_Quit_Handler;

The specification of the Signal_Handlers package from this example contains the declaration of Quit_Handler, which is a protected type. In the private part of this protected type, we declare the Handle_Quit_Signal procedure. By using the Attach_Handler aspect in the declaration of Handle_Quit_Signal and indicating the quit interrupt (System.OS_Interface.SIGQUIT), we're instructing the operating system to call this procedure for any quit request. So when the user presses CTRL+\ on their keyboard, for example, the application will behave as follows:

  • the operating system calls the Handle_Quit_Signal procedure , which displays a message to the user ("Quit request detected!") and sets a Boolean variable — Quit_Request, which is declared in the Quit_Handler type;

  • the main application checks the status of the quit handler by calling the Requested function as part of the while True loop;

    • This call is in the exit when Quit.Requested line.

    • The Requested function returns True in this case because the Quit_Request flag was set by the Handle_Quit_Signal procedure.

  • the main applications exits the loop, displays a message and finishes.

Note that the code example above isn't portable because it makes use of interrupts from the Linux operating system. When programming embedded devices, we would use instead the interrupts available on those specific devices.

Also note that, in the example above, we're declaring a static handler at compilation time. If you need to make use of dynamic handlers, which can be configured at runtime, you can use the subprograms from the Ada.Interrupts package. This package includes not only a version of Attach_Handler as a procedure, but also other procedures such as:

  • Exchange_Handler, which lets us exchange, at runtime, the current handler associated with a specific interrupt by a different handler;

  • Detach_Handler, which we can use to remove the handler currently associated with a given interrupt.

Details about the Ada.Interrupts package are out of scope for this course. We'll discuss them in a separate, more advanced course in the future. You can find some information about it in the Interrupts appendix of the Ada Reference Manual.


Once available, add link to section from a more advanced embedded course that explains the Ada.Interrupts package.

Dealing with Absence of FPU with Fixed Point

Many numerical applications typically use floating-point types to compute values. However, in some platforms, a floating-point unit may not be available. Other platforms may have a floating-point unit, but using it in certain numerical algorithms can be prohibitive in terms of performance. For those cases, fixed-point arithmetic can be a good alternative.

The difference between fixed-point and floating-point types might not be so obvious when looking at this code snippet:


package Fixed_Definitions is D : constant := 2.0 ** (-31); type Fixed is delta D range -1.0 .. 1.0 - D; end Fixed_Definitions;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Fixed_Definitions; use Fixed_Definitions; procedure Show_Float_And_Fixed_Point is Float_Value : Float := 0.25; Fixed_Value : Fixed := 0.25; begin Float_Value := Float_Value + 0.25; Fixed_Value := Fixed_Value + 0.25; Put_Line ("Float_Value = " & Float'Image (Float_Value)); Put_Line ("Fixed_Value = " & Fixed'Image (Fixed_Value)); end Show_Float_And_Fixed_Point;

In this example, the application will show the value 0.5 for both Float_Value and Fixed_Value.

The major difference between floating-point and fixed-point types is in the way the values are stored. Values of ordinary fixed-point types are, in effect, scaled integers. The scaling used for ordinary fixed-point types is defined by the type's small, which is derived from the specified delta and, by default, is a power of two. Therefore, ordinary fixed-point types are sometimes called binary fixed-point types. In that sense, ordinary fixed-point types can be thought of being close to the actual representation on the machine. In fact, ordinary fixed-point types make use of the available integer shift instructions, for example.

Another difference between floating-point and fixed-point types is that Ada doesn't provide standard fixed-point types — except for the Duration type, which is used to represent an interval of time in seconds. While the Ada standard specifies floating-point types such as Float and Long_Float, we have to declare our own fixed-point types. Note that, in the previous example, we have used a fixed-point type named Fixed: this type isn't part of the standard, but must be declared somewhere in the source-code of our application.

The syntax for an ordinary fixed-point type is

type <type_name> is delta <delta_value> range <lower_bound> .. <upper_bound>;

By default, the compiler will choose a scale factor, or small, that is a power of 2 no greater than <delta_value>.

For example, we may define a normalized range between -1.0 and 1.0 as following:


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Normalized_Fixed_Point_Type is D : constant := 2.0 ** (-31); type TQ31 is delta D range -1.0 .. 1.0 - D; begin Put_Line ("TQ31 requires " & Integer'Image (TQ31'Size) & " bits"); Put_Line ("The delta value of TQ31 is " & TQ31'Image (TQ31'Delta)); Put_Line ("The minimum value of TQ31 is " & TQ31'Image (TQ31'First)); Put_Line ("The maximum value of TQ31 is " & TQ31'Image (TQ31'Last)); end Normalized_Fixed_Point_Type;

In this example, we are defining a 32-bit fixed-point data type for our normalized range. When running the application, we notice that the upper bound is close to one, but not exactly one. This is a typical effect of fixed-point data types — you can find more details in this discussion about the Q format. We may also rewrite this code with an exact type definition:


package Normalized_Adapted_Fixed_Point_Type is type TQ31 is delta 2.0 ** (-31) range -1.0 .. 1.0 - 2.0 ** (-31); end Normalized_Adapted_Fixed_Point_Type;

We may also use any other range. For example:


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics; procedure Custom_Fixed_Point_Range is type Inv_Trig is delta 2.0 ** (-15) * Pi range -Pi / 2.0 .. Pi / 2.0; begin Put_Line ("Inv_Trig requires " & Integer'Image (Inv_Trig'Size) & " bits"); Put_Line ("The delta value of Inv_Trig is " & Inv_Trig'Image (Inv_Trig'Delta)); Put_Line ("The minimum value of Inv_Trig is " & Inv_Trig'Image (Inv_Trig'First)); Put_Line ("The maximum value of Inv_Trig is " & Inv_Trig'Image (Inv_Trig'Last)); end Custom_Fixed_Point_Range;

In this example, we are defining a 16-bit type called Inv_Trig, which has a range from -π/2 to π/2.

All standard operations are available for fixed-point types. For example:


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Fixed_Point_Op is type TQ31 is delta 2.0 ** (-31) range -1.0 .. 1.0 - 2.0 ** (-31); A, B, R : TQ31; begin A := 0.25; B := 0.50; R := A + B; Put_Line ("R is " & TQ31'Image (R)); end Fixed_Point_Op;

As expected, R contains 0.75 after the addition of A and B.

In the case of C, since the language doesn't support fixed-point arithmetic, we need to emulate it using integer types and custom operations via functions. Let's look at this very rudimentary example:


#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #define SHIFT_FACTOR 32 #define TO_FIXED(x) ((int) ((x) * pow (2.0, SHIFT_FACTOR - 1))) #define TO_FLOAT(x) ((float) ((double)(x) * (double)pow (2.0, -(SHIFT_FACTOR - 1)))) typedef int fixed; fixed add (fixed a, fixed b) { return a + b; } fixed mult (fixed a, fixed b) { return (fixed)(((long)a * (long)b) >> (SHIFT_FACTOR - 1)); } void display_fixed (fixed x) { printf("value (integer) = %d\n", x); printf("value (float) = %3.5f\n\n", TO_FLOAT (x)); } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { int fixed_value = TO_FIXED(0.25); printf("Original value\n"); display_fixed(fixed_value); printf("... + 0.25\n"); fixed_value = add(fixed_value, TO_FIXED(0.25)); display_fixed(fixed_value); printf("... * 0.5\n"); fixed_value = mult(fixed_value, TO_FIXED(0.5)); display_fixed(fixed_value); return 0; }

Here, we declare the fixed-point type fixed based on int and two operations for it: addition (via the add function) and multiplication (via the mult function). Note that, while fixed-point addition is quite straightforward, multiplication requires right-shifting to match the correct internal representation. In Ada, since fixed-point operations are part of the language specification, they don't need to be emulated. Therefore, no extra effort is required from the programmer.

Also note that the example above is very rudimentary, so it doesn't take some of the side-effects of fixed-point arithmetic into account. In C, you have to manually take all side-effects deriving from fixed-point arithmetic into account, while in Ada, the compiler takes care of selecting the right operations for you.

Volatile and Atomic data

Ada has built-in support for handling both volatile and atomic data. Let's start by discussing volatile objects.


A volatile object can be described as an object in memory whose value may change between two consecutive memory accesses of a process A — even if process A itself hasn't changed the value. This situation may arise when an object in memory is being shared by multiple threads. For example, a thread B may modify the value of that object between two read accesses of a thread A. Another typical example is the one of memory-mapped I/O, where the hardware might be constantly changing the value of an object in memory.

Because the value of a volatile object may be constantly changing, a compiler cannot generate code that stores the value of that object into a register and use the value from the register in subsequent operations. Storing into a register is avoided because, if the value is stored there, it would be outdated if another process had changed the volatile object in the meantime. Instead, the compiler generates code in such a way that the process must read the value of the volatile object from memory for each access.

Let's look at a simple example of a volatile variable in C:


#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { volatile double val = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { val += i * 2.0; } printf ("val: %5.3f\n", val); return 0; }

In this example, val has the modifier volatile, which indicates that the compiler must handle val as a volatile object. Therefore, each read and write access in the loop is performed by accessing the value of val in then memory.

This is the corresponding implementation in Ada:


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Volatile_Object is Val : Long_Float with Volatile; begin Val := 0.0; for I in 0 .. 999 loop Val := Val + 2.0 * Long_Float (I); end loop; Put_Line ("Val: " & Long_Float'Image (Val)); end Show_Volatile_Object;

In this example, Val has the Volatile aspect, which makes the object volatile. We can also use the Volatile aspect in type declarations. For example:


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Volatile_Type is type Volatile_Long_Float is new Long_Float with Volatile; Val : Volatile_Long_Float; begin Val := 0.0; for I in 0 .. 999 loop Val := Val + 2.0 * Volatile_Long_Float (I); end loop; Put_Line ("Val: " & Volatile_Long_Float'Image (Val)); end Show_Volatile_Type;

Here, we're declaring a new type Volatile_Long_Float based on the Long_Float type and using the Volatile aspect. Any object of this type is automatically volatile.

In addition to that, we can declare components of an array to be volatile. In this case, we can use the Volatile_Components aspect in the array declaration. For example:


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Volatile_Array_Components is Arr : array (1 .. 2) of Long_Float with Volatile_Components; begin Arr := (others => 0.0); for I in 0 .. 999 loop Arr (1) := Arr (1) + 2.0 * Long_Float (I); Arr (2) := Arr (2) + 10.0 * Long_Float (I); end loop; Put_Line ("Arr (1): " & Long_Float'Image (Arr (1))); Put_Line ("Arr (2): " & Long_Float'Image (Arr (2))); end Show_Volatile_Array_Components;

Note that it's possible to use the Volatile aspect for the array declaration as well:


Arr : array (1 .. 2) of Long_Float with Volatile;


An atomic object is an object that only accepts atomic reads and updates. The Ada standard specifies that "for an atomic object (including an atomic component), all reads and updates of the object as a whole are indivisible." In this case, the compiler must generate Assembly code in such a way that reads and updates of an atomic object must be done in a single instruction, so that no other instruction could execute on that same object before the read or update completes.

In other contexts

Generally, we can say that operations are said to be atomic when they can be completed without interruptions. This is an important requirement when we're performing operations on objects in memory that are shared between multiple processes.

This definition of atomicity above is used, for example, when implementing databases. However, for this section, we're using the term "atomic" differently. Here, it really means that reads and updates must be performed with a single Assembly instruction.

For example, if we have a 32-bit object composed of four 8-bit bytes, the compiler cannot generate code to read or update the object using four 8-bit store / load instructions, or even two 16-bit store / load instructions. In this case, in order to maintain atomicity, the compiler must generate code using one 32-bit store / load instruction.

Because of this strict definition, we might have objects for which the Atomic aspect cannot be specified. Lots of machines support integer types that are larger than the native word-sized integer. For example, a 16-bit machine probably supports both 16-bit and 32-bit integers, but only 16-bit integer objects can be marked as atomic — or, more generally, only objects that fit into at most 16 bits.

Atomicity may be important, for example, when dealing with shared hardware registers. In fact, for certain architectures, the hardware may require that memory-mapped registers are handled atomically. In Ada, we can use the Atomic aspect to indicate that an object is atomic. This is how we can use the aspect to declare a shared hardware register:


with System; procedure Show_Shared_HW_Register is R : Integer with Atomic, Address => System'To_Address (16#FFFF00A0#); begin null; end Show_Shared_HW_Register;

Note that the Address aspect allows for assigning a variable to a specific location in the memory. In this example, we're using this aspect to specify the address of the memory-mapped register. We'll discuss more about the Address aspect later in the section about mapping structures to bit-fields (in chapter 6).

In addition to atomic objects, we can declare atomic types and atomic array components — similarly to what we've seen before for volatile objects. For example:


with System; procedure Show_Shared_HW_Register is type Atomic_Integer is new Integer with Atomic; R : Atomic_Integer with Address => System'To_Address (16#FFFF00A0#); Arr : array (1 .. 2) of Integer with Atomic_Components; begin null; end Show_Shared_HW_Register;

In this example, we're declaring the Atomic_Integer type, which is an atomic type. Objects of this type — such as R in this example — are automatically atomic. This example also includes the declaration of the Arr array, which has atomic components.

Interfacing with Devices

Previously, we've seen that we can use representation clauses to specify a particular layout for a record type. As mentioned before, this is useful when interfacing with hardware, drivers, or communication protocols. In this section, we'll extend this concept for two specific use-cases: register overlays and data streams. Before we discuss those use-cases, though, we'll first explain the Size aspect and the Size attribute.

Size aspect and attribute

The Size aspect indicates the minimum number of bits required to represent an object. When applied to a type, the Size aspect is telling the compiler to not make record or array components of a type T any smaller than X bits. Therefore, a common usage for this aspect is to just confirm expectations: developers specify 'Size to tell the compiler that T should fit X bits, and the compiler will tell them if they are right (or wrong).

When the specified size value is larger than necessary, it can cause objects to be bigger in memory than they would be otherwise. For example, for some enumeration types, we could say for type Enum'Size use 32; when the number of literals would otherwise have required only a byte. That's useful for unchecked conversions because the sizes of the two types need to be the same. Likewise, it's useful for interfacing with C, where enum types are just mapped to the int type, and thus larger than Ada might otherwise require. We'll discuss unchecked conversions later in the course.

Let's look at an example from an earlier chapter:


package My_Device_Types is type UInt10 is mod 2 ** 10 with Size => 10; end My_Device_Types;

Here, we're saying that objects of type UInt10 must have at least 10 bits. In this case, if the code compiles, it is a confirmation that such values can be represented in 10 bits when packed into an enclosing record or array type.

If the size specified was larger than what the compiler would use by default, then it could affect the size of objects. For example, for UInt10, anything up to and including 16 would make no difference on a typical machine. However, anything over 16 would then push the compiler to use a larger object representation. That would be important for unchecked conversions, for example.

The Size attribute indicates the number of bits required to represent a type or an object. We can use the size attribute to retrieve the size of a type or of an object:


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with My_Device_Types; use My_Device_Types; procedure Show_Device_Types is UInt10_Obj : constant UInt10 := 0; begin Put_Line ("Size of UInt10 type: " & Positive'Image (UInt10'Size)); Put_Line ("Size of UInt10 object: " & Positive'Image (UInt10_Obj'Size)); end Show_Device_Types;

Here, we're retrieving the actual sizes of the UInt10 type and an object of that type. Note that the sizes don't necessarily need to match. For example, although the size of UInt10 type is expected to be 10 bits, the size of UInt10_Obj may be 16 bits, depending on the platform. Also, components of this type within composite types (arrays, records) will probably be 16 bits as well unless they are packed.

Register overlays

Register overlays make use of representation clauses to create a structure that facilitates manipulating bits from registers. Let's look at a simplified example of a power management controller containing registers such as a system clock enable register. Note that this example is based on an actual architecture:


with System; package Registers is type Bit is mod 2 ** 1 with Size => 1; type UInt5 is mod 2 ** 5 with Size => 5; type UInt10 is mod 2 ** 10 with Size => 10; subtype USB_Clock_Enable is Bit; -- System Clock Enable Register type PMC_SCER_Register is record -- Reserved bits Reserved_0_4 : UInt5 := 16#0#; -- Write-only. Enable USB FS Clock USBCLK : USB_Clock_Enable := 16#0#; -- Reserved bits Reserved_6_15 : UInt10 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile, Size => 16, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for PMC_SCER_Register use record Reserved_0_4 at 0 range 0 .. 4; USBCLK at 0 range 5 .. 5; Reserved_6_15 at 0 range 6 .. 15; end record; -- Power Management Controller type PMC_Peripheral is record -- System Clock Enable Register PMC_SCER : aliased PMC_SCER_Register; -- System Clock Disable Register PMC_SCDR : aliased PMC_SCER_Register; end record with Volatile; for PMC_Peripheral use record -- 16-bit register at byte 0 PMC_SCER at 16#0# range 0 .. 15; -- 16-bit register at byte 2 PMC_SCDR at 16#2# range 0 .. 15; end record; -- Power Management Controller PMC_Periph : aliased PMC_Peripheral with Import, Address => System'To_Address (16#400E0600#); end Registers;

First, we declare the system clock enable register — this is PMC_SCER_Register type in the code example. Most of the bits in that register are reserved. However, we're interested in bit #5, which is used to activate or deactivate the system clock. To achieve a correct representation of this bit, we do the following:

  • We declare the USBCLK component of this record using the USB_Clock_Enable type, which has a size of one bit; and

  • we use a representation clause to indicate that the USBCLK component is specifically at bit #5 of byte #0.

After declaring the system clock enable register and specifying its individual bits as components of a record type, we declare the power management controller type — PMC_Peripheral record type in the code example. Here, we declare two 16-bit registers as record components of PMC_Peripheral. These registers are used to enable or disable the system clock. The strategy we use in the declaration is similar to the one we've just seen above:

  • We declare these registers as components of the PMC_Peripheral record type;

  • we use a representation clause to specify that the PMC_SCER register is at byte #0 and the PMC_SCDR register is at byte #2.

    • Since these registers have 16 bits, we use a range of bits from 0 to 15.

The actual power management controller becomes accessible by the declaration of the PMC_Periph object of PMC_Peripheral type. Here, we specify the actual address of the memory-mapped registers (400E0600 in hexadecimal) using the Address aspect in the declaration. When we use the Address aspect in an object declaration, we're indicating the address in memory of that object.

Because we specify the address of the memory-mapped registers in the declaration of PMC_Periph, this object is now an overlay for those registers. This also means that any operation on this object corresponds to an actual operation on the registers of the power management controller. We'll discuss more details about overlays in the section about mapping structures to bit-fields (in chapter 6).

Finally, in a test application, we can access any bit of any register of the power management controller with simple record component selection. For example, we can set the USBCLK bit of the PMC_SCER register by using PMC_Periph.PMC_SCER.USBCLK:


with Registers; procedure Enable_USB_Clock is begin Registers.PMC_Periph.PMC_SCER.USBCLK := 1; end Enable_USB_Clock;

This code example makes use of many aspects and keywords of the Ada language. One of them is the Volatile aspect, which we've discussed in the section about volatile and atomic objects. Using the Volatile aspect for the PMC_SCER_Register type ensures that objects of this type won't be stored in a register.

In the declaration of the PMC_SCER_Register record type of the example, we use the Bit_Order aspect to specify the bit ordering of the record type. Here, we can select one of these options:

  • High_Order_First: first bit of the record is the most significant bit;

  • Low_Order_First: first bit of the record is the least significant bit.

The declarations from the Registers package also makes use of the Import, which is sometimes necessary when creating overlays. When used in the context of object declarations, it avoids default initialization (for data types that have it.). Aspect Import will be discussed in the section that explains how to map structures to bit-fields in chapter 6. Please refer to that chapter for more details.

Details about 'Size

In the example above, we're using the Size aspect in the declaration of the PMC_SCER_Register type. In this case, the effect is that it has the compiler confirm that the record type will fit into the expected 16 bits.

That's what the aspect does for type PMC_SCER_Register in the example above, as well as for the types Bit, UInt5 and UInt10. For example, we may declare a stand-alone object of type Bit:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Bit_Declaration is type Bit is mod 2 ** 1 with Size => 1; B : constant Bit := 0; -- ^ Although Bit'Size is 1, B'Size is almost certainly 8 begin Put_Line ("Bit'Size = " & Positive'Image (Bit'Size)); Put_Line ("B'Size = " & Positive'Image (B'Size)); end Show_Bit_Declaration;

In this case, B is almost certainly going to be 8-bits wide on a typical machine, even though the language requires that Bit'Size is 1 by default.

In the declaration of the components of the PMC_Peripheral record type, we use the aliased keyword to specify that those record components are accessible via other paths besides the component name. Therefore, the compiler won't store them in registers. This makes sense because we want to ensure that we're accessing specific memory-mapped registers, and not registers assigned by the compiler. Note that, for the same reason, we also use the aliased keyword in the declaration of the PMC_Periph object.

Data streams

Creating data streams — in the context of interfacing with devices — means the serialization of arbitrary information and its transmission over a communication channel. For example, we might want to transmit the content of memory-mapped registers as byte streams using a serial port. To do this, we first need to get a serialized representation of those registers as an array of bytes, which we can then transmit over the serial port.

Serialization of arbitrary record types — including register overlays — can be achieved by declaring an array of bytes as an overlay. By doing this, we're basically interpreting the information from those record types as bytes while ignoring their actual structure — i.e. their components and representation clause. We'll discuss details about overlays in the section about mapping structures to bit-fields (in chapter 6).

Let's look at a simple example of serialization of an arbitrary record type:


package Arbitrary_Types is type Arbitrary_Record is record A : Integer; B : Integer; C : Integer; end record; end Arbitrary_Types;
with Arbitrary_Types; procedure Serialize_Data (Some_Object : Arbitrary_Types.Arbitrary_Record);
with Arbitrary_Types; procedure Serialize_Data (Some_Object : Arbitrary_Types.Arbitrary_Record) is type UByte is new Natural range 0 .. 255 with Size => 8; type UByte_Array is array (Positive range <>) of UByte; -- -- We can access the serialized data in Raw_TX, which is our overlay -- Raw_TX : UByte_Array (1 .. Some_Object'Size / 8) with Address => Some_Object'Address; begin null; -- -- Now, we could stream the data from Some_Object. -- -- For example, we could send the bytes (from Raw_TX) via the -- serial port. -- end Serialize_Data;
with Arbitrary_Types; with Serialize_Data; procedure Data_Stream_Declaration is Dummy_Object : Arbitrary_Types.Arbitrary_Record; begin Serialize_Data (Dummy_Object); end Data_Stream_Declaration;

The most important part of this example is the implementation of the Serialize_Data procedure, where we declare Raw_TX as an overlay for our arbitrary object (Some_Object of Arbitrary_Record type). In simple terms, by writing with Address => Some_Object'Address; in the declaration of Raw_TX, we're specifying that Raw_TX and Some_Object have the same address in memory. Here, we are:

  • taking the address of Some_Object — using the Address attribute —, and then

  • using it as the address of Raw_TX — which is specified with the Address aspect.

By doing this, we're essentially saying that both Raw_TX and Some_Object are different representations of the same object in memory.

Because the Raw_TX overlay is completely agnostic about the actual structure of the record type, the Arbitrary_Record type could really be anything. By declaring Raw_TX, we create an array of bytes that we can use to stream the information from Some_Object.

We can use this approach and create a data stream for the register overlay example that we've seen before. This is the corresponding implementation:


with System; package Registers is type Bit is mod 2 ** 1 with Size => 1; type UInt5 is mod 2 ** 5 with Size => 5; type UInt10 is mod 2 ** 10 with Size => 10; subtype USB_Clock_Enable is Bit; -- System Clock Register type PMC_SCER_Register is record -- Reserved bits Reserved_0_4 : UInt5 := 16#0#; -- Write-only. Enable USB FS Clock USBCLK : USB_Clock_Enable := 16#0#; -- Reserved bits Reserved_6_15 : UInt10 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile, Size => 16, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for PMC_SCER_Register use record Reserved_0_4 at 0 range 0 .. 4; USBCLK at 0 range 5 .. 5; Reserved_6_15 at 0 range 6 .. 15; end record; -- Power Management Controller type PMC_Peripheral is record -- System Clock Enable Register PMC_SCER : aliased PMC_SCER_Register; -- System Clock Disable Register PMC_SCDR : aliased PMC_SCER_Register; end record with Volatile; for PMC_Peripheral use record -- 16-bit register at byte 0 PMC_SCER at 16#0# range 0 .. 15; -- 16-bit register at byte 2 PMC_SCDR at 16#2# range 0 .. 15; end record; -- Power Management Controller PMC_Periph : aliased PMC_Peripheral; -- with Import, Address => System'To_Address (16#400E0600#); end Registers;
package Serial_Ports is type UByte is new Natural range 0 .. 255 with Size => 8; type UByte_Array is array (Positive range <>) of UByte; type Serial_Port is null record; procedure Read (Port : in out Serial_Port; Data : out UByte_Array); procedure Write (Port : in out Serial_Port; Data : UByte_Array); end Serial_Ports;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Serial_Ports is procedure Display (Data : UByte_Array) is begin Put_Line ("---- Data ----"); for E of Data loop Put_Line (UByte'Image (E)); end loop; Put_Line ("--------------"); end Display; procedure Read (Port : in out Serial_Port; Data : out UByte_Array) is pragma Unreferenced (Port); begin Put_Line ("Reading data..."); Data := (0, 0, 32, 0); end Read; procedure Write (Port : in out Serial_Port; Data : UByte_Array) is pragma Unreferenced (Port); begin Put_Line ("Writing data..."); Display (Data); end Write; end Serial_Ports;
with Serial_Ports; use Serial_Ports; with Registers; use Registers; package Data_Stream is procedure Send (Port : in out Serial_Port; PMC : PMC_Peripheral); procedure Receive (Port : in out Serial_Port; PMC : out PMC_Peripheral); end Data_Stream;
package body Data_Stream is procedure Send (Port : in out Serial_Port; PMC : PMC_Peripheral) is Raw_TX : UByte_Array (1 .. PMC'Size / 8) with Address => PMC'Address; begin Write (Port => Port, Data => Raw_TX); end Send; procedure Receive (Port : in out Serial_Port; PMC : out PMC_Peripheral) is Raw_TX : UByte_Array (1 .. PMC'Size / 8) with Address => PMC'Address; begin Read (Port => Port, Data => Raw_TX); end Receive; end Data_Stream;
with Ada.Text_IO; with Registers; with Data_Stream; with Serial_Ports; procedure Test_Data_Stream is procedure Display_Registers is use Ada.Text_IO; begin Put_Line ("---- Registers ----"); Put_Line ("PMC_SCER.USBCLK: " & Registers.PMC_Periph.PMC_SCER.USBCLK'Image); Put_Line ("PMC_SCDR.USBCLK: " & Registers.PMC_Periph.PMC_SCDR.USBCLK'Image); Put_Line ("-------------- ----"); end Display_Registers; Port : Serial_Ports.Serial_Port; begin Registers.PMC_Periph.PMC_SCER.USBCLK := 1; Registers.PMC_Periph.PMC_SCDR.USBCLK := 1; Display_Registers; Data_Stream.Send (Port => Port, PMC => Registers.PMC_Periph); Data_Stream.Receive (Port => Port, PMC => Registers.PMC_Periph); Display_Registers; end Test_Data_Stream;

In this example, we can find the overlay in the implementation of the Send and Receive procedures from the Data_Stream package. Because the overlay doesn't need to know the internals of the PMC_Peripheral type, we're declaring it in the same way as in the previous example (where we created an overlay for Some_Object). In this case, we're creating an overlay for the PMC parameter.

Note that, for this section, we're not really interested in the details about the serial port. Thus, package Serial_Ports in this example is just a stub. However, because the Serial_Port type in that package only sees arrays of bytes, after implementing an actual serial port interface for a specific device, we could create data streams for any type.

ARM and svd2ada

As we've seen in the previous section about interfacing with devices, Ada offers powerful features to describe low-level details about the hardware architecture without giving up its strong typing capabilities. However, it can be cumbersome to create a specification for all those low-level details when you have a complex architecture. Fortunately, for ARM Cortex-M devices, the GNAT toolchain offers an Ada binding generator called svd2ada, which takes CMSIS-SVD descriptions for those devices and creates Ada specifications that match the architecture. CMSIS-SVD description files are based on the Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS), which is a hardware abstraction layer for ARM Cortex microcontrollers.

Please refer to the svd2ada project page for details about this tool.