Object-oriented Programming

What is Object Oriented Programming?

Object-oriented software construction is the building of software systems as structured collections of [...] abstract data type implementations.

Bertrand Meyer, “Object Oriented Software Construction”

  • Object Oriented Programming is about:

    • isolating clients from implementation details (abstraction)

    • isolating clients from the choice of data types (dynamic dispatching)

  • Object Oriented Programming is not:

    • the same as prototype programming (class and objects)

    • the same as scoping (class as the scope for methods)

    • the same as code reuse (use a component in a record in SPARK)

Prototypes and Scopes in SPARK

  • Types in SPARK come with methods aka primitive operations

package Show_Type_Primitives is type Int is range 1 .. 10; function Equal (Arg1, Arg2 : Int) return Boolean; procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int); type Approx_Int is new Int; -- implicit definition of Equal and Bump for Approx_Int end Show_Type_Primitives;
  • Scope for the prototype is current declarative region

    • ... or up to the first freezing point – point at which the type must be fully defined, e.g. when defining an object of the type

  • OOP without dynamic dispatching = Abstract Data Types

Classes in SPARK

  • Classes in SPARK are tagged records

package Show_Classes is type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer; end record; function Equal (Arg1, Arg2 : Int) return Boolean; procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int); type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural; end record; -- implicit definition of Equal and Bump for Approx_Int end Show_Classes;
  • Derived types are specializations of the root type

    • typically with more components

    • inheriting the methods on the parent type

    • can add their own methods

Methods in SPARK

  • Derived methods can be overriding or not

package Show_Derived_Methods is pragma Elaborate_Body; type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer := 0; end record; function Equal (Arg1, Arg2 : Int) return Boolean; procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int); type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural := 0; end record; overriding function Equal (Arg1, Arg2 : Approx_Int) return Boolean; overriding procedure Bump (Arg : in out Approx_Int); not overriding procedure Blur (Arg : in out Approx_Int); end Show_Derived_Methods;
package body Show_Derived_Methods is function Equal (Arg1, Arg2 : Int) return Boolean is (Arg1 = Arg2); procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int) is Next : constant Integer := (if Arg.Value < Integer'Last then Arg.Value + 1 else Integer'Last); begin if Next <= Arg.Max then Arg.Value := Next; end if; end Bump; overriding function Equal (Arg1, Arg2 : Approx_Int) return Boolean is (Arg1 = Arg2); overriding procedure Bump (Arg : in out Approx_Int) is begin Bump (Int (Arg)); end Bump; not overriding procedure Blur (Arg : in out Approx_Int) is Prev : constant Integer := (if Arg.Value > Integer'First then Arg.Value - 1 else Integer'First); begin if Arg.Value >= Prev then Arg.Value := Prev; end if; end Blur; end Show_Derived_Methods;
  • Method called depends on static type

with Show_Derived_Methods; use Show_Derived_Methods; procedure Use_Derived_Methods is I : Int; AI : Approx_Int; begin Bump (I); -- call to Int.Bump I.Bump; -- call to Int.Bump (object.method notation) Bump (AI); -- call to Approx_Int.Bump Bump (Int (AI)); -- call to Int.Bump end Use_Derived_Methods;

Dynamic dispatching in SPARK

  • Class-wide types

    • type of object that triggers dispatching

    • method called depends on dynamic type

with Show_Derived_Methods; use Show_Derived_Methods; procedure Use_Dynamic_Dispatching is I : Int; AI : Approx_Int; begin declare IC : Int'Class := Int'Class (I); begin IC.Bump; -- call to Int.Bump end; declare IC : Int'Class := Int'Class (AI); begin IC.Bump; -- call to Approx_Int.Bump end; end Use_Dynamic_Dispatching;
  • Class-wide views of objects

    • in Ada, usually manipulated through pointers

    • in SPARK, manipulated through parameter passing

with Show_Derived_Methods; use Show_Derived_Methods; procedure Use_Classwide_Dispatching is procedure Call_Bump (Arg : in out Int'Class) is begin Arg.Bump; end Call_Bump; I : Int; AI : Approx_Int; begin Call_Bump (Int'Class (I)); -- calls Int.Bump(I) Call_Bump (Int'Class (AI)); -- calls Approx_Int.Bump(AI) end Use_Classwide_Dispatching;

A trivial example

  • what is called here?

procedure Show_Trivial_Example is package Pkg_Trivial is type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer; end record; procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int) is null; end Pkg_Trivial; use Pkg_Trivial; procedure Call_Bump (Arg : in out Int'Class) is begin Arg.Bump; end Call_Bump; begin null; end Show_Trivial_Example;

The problems with dynamic dispatching

  • Control and data flow are not known statically

    • control flow – which subprogram is called when dispatching

    • data flow – what data this subprogram is accessing

    • similar to callbacks through subprogram pointers

  • Avionics standard DO-178C lists 3 verification options

    • run all tests on parent type where derived type is used instead

    • cover all possible methods at dispatching calls

    • prove type substitutability (Liskov Substitution Principle aka LSP)

LSP – the SPARK solution to dynamic dispatching problems

  • Class-wide contracts on methods

    • Pre'Class specifies strongest precondition for the hierarchy

    • Post'Class specifies weakest postcondition for the hierarchy

package Show_LSP is type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer := 0; end record; procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int) with Pre'Class => Arg.Value < Arg.Max - 10, Post'Class => Arg.Value > Arg.Value'Old; type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural := 0; end record; overriding procedure Bump (Arg : in out Approx_Int) with Pre'Class => Arg.Value > 100, Post'Class => Arg.Value = Arg.Value'Old; end Show_LSP;
package Show_LSP is type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer := 0; end record; procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int) with Pre'Class => Arg.Value < Arg.Max - 10, Post'Class => Arg.Value > Arg.Value'Old; type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural := 0; end record; overriding procedure Bump (Arg : in out Approx_Int) with Pre'Class => True, Post'Class => Arg.Value = Arg.Value'Old + 10; end Show_LSP;
package Show_LSP is type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer := 0; end record; procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int) with Pre'Class => Arg.Value < Arg.Max - 10, Post'Class => Arg.Value > Arg.Value'Old; type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural := 0; end record; overriding procedure Bump (Arg : in out Approx_Int); -- inherited Pre'Class from Int.Bump -- inherited Post'Class from Int.Bump end Show_LSP;

Verification of dynamic dispatching calls

  • Class-wide contracts used for dynamic dispatching calls

with Show_LSP; use Show_LSP; procedure Show_Dynamic_Dispatching_Verification is procedure Call_Bump (Arg : in out Int'Class) with Pre => Arg.Value < Arg.Max - 10, Post => Arg.Value > Arg.Value'Old is begin Arg.Bump; end Call_Bump; begin null; end Show_Dynamic_Dispatching_Verification;
  • LSP applies to data dependencies too

    • overriding method cannot read more global variables

    • overriding method cannot write more global variables

    • overriding method cannot have new input-output flows

    • SPARK RM defines Global'Class and Depends'Class (not yet implemented ⟶ use Global and Depends instead)

Class-wide contracts and data abstraction

  • Abstraction can be used in class-wide contracts

  • Typically use expression functions for abstraction

package Show_Classwide_Contracts is type Int is tagged private; function Get_Value (Arg : Int) return Integer; function Small (Arg : Int) return Boolean with Ghost; procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int) with Pre'Class => Arg.Small, Post'Class => Arg.Get_Value > Arg.Get_Value'Old; private type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer := 0; end record; function Get_Value (Arg : Int) return Integer is (Arg.Value); function Small (Arg : Int) return Boolean is (Arg.Value < Arg.Max - 10); end Show_Classwide_Contracts;

Class-wide contracts, data abstraction and overriding

  • Abstraction functions can be overridden freely

    • overriding needs not be weaker or stronger than overridden

package Show_Contract_Override is type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer := 0; end record; function Small (Arg : Int) return Boolean is (Arg.Value < Arg.Max - 10); type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural := 0; end record; overriding function Small (Arg : Approx_Int) return Boolean is (True); end Show_Contract_Override;
package Show_Contract_Override is type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer := 0; end record; function Small (Arg : Int) return Boolean is (Arg.Value < Arg.Max - 10); type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural := 0; end record; function Small (Arg : Approx_Int) return Boolean is (Arg.Value in 1 .. 100); end Show_Contract_Override;
  • Inherited contract reinterpreted for derived class

package Show_Contract_Override is type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer := 0; end record; procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int) with Pre'Class => Arg.Value < Arg.Max - 10, Post'Class => Arg.Value > Arg.Value'Old; type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural := 0; end record; overriding procedure Bump (Arg : in out Approx_Int); -- inherited Pre'Class uses Approx_Int.Small -- inherited Post'Class uses Approx_Int.Get_Value end Show_Contract_Override;

Dynamic semantics of class-wide contracts

  • Class-wide precondition is the disjunction (or) of

    • own class-wide precondition, and

    • class-wide preconditions of all overridden methods

  • Class-wide postcondition is the conjunction (and) of

    • own class-wide postcondition, and

    • class-wide postconditions of all overridden methods

  • Plain Post + class-wide Pre / Post can be used together

  • Proof guarantees no violation of contracts at runtime

    • LSP guarantees stronger than dynamic semantics

Redispatching and Extensions_Visible aspect

  • Redispatching is dispatching after class-wide conversion

    • formal parameter cannot be converted to class-wide type when Extensions_Visible is False

with Show_Contract_Override; use Show_Contract_Override; procedure Show_Redispatching is procedure Re_Call_Bump (Arg : in out Int) is begin Int'Class (Arg).Bump; end Re_Call_Bump; begin null; end Show_Redispatching;
  • Aspect Extensions_Visible allows class-wide conversion

    • parameter mode used also for hidden components

with Show_Contract_Override; use Show_Contract_Override; procedure Show_Redispatching is procedure Re_Call_Bump (Arg : in out Int) with Extensions_Visible is begin Int'Class (Arg).Bump; end Re_Call_Bump; begin null; end Show_Redispatching;

Code Examples / Pitfalls

Example #1

package OO_Example_01 is type Int is record Min, Max, Value : Integer; end record; procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int) with Pre'Class => Arg.Value < Arg.Max - 10, Post'Class => Arg.Value > Arg.Value'Old; end OO_Example_01;

This code is not correct. Class-wide contracts are only allowed on tagged records.

Example #2

package OO_Example_02 is type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer; end record; procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int) with Pre => Arg.Value < Arg.Max - 10, Post => Arg.Value > Arg.Value'Old; end OO_Example_02;

This code is not correct. Plain precondition on dispatching subprogram is not allowed in SPARK. Otherwise it would have to be both weaker and stronger than the class-wide precondition (because they are both checked dynamically on both plain calls and dispatching calls).

Plain postcondition is allowed, and should be stronger than class-wide postcondition (plain postcondition used for plain calls).

Example #3

package OO_Example_03 is pragma Elaborate_Body; type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer; end record; procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int) with Pre'Class => Arg.Value < Arg.Max - 10, Post'Class => Arg.Value > Arg.Value'Old; type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural := 0; end record; overriding procedure Bump (Arg : in out Approx_Int) with Post'Class => Arg.Value = Arg.Value'Old + 10; end OO_Example_03;
package body OO_Example_03 is procedure Bump (Arg : in out Int) is begin Arg.Value := Arg.Value + 10; end Bump; overriding procedure Bump (Arg : in out Approx_Int) is begin Arg.Value := Arg.Value + 10; end Bump; end OO_Example_03;

This code is correct. Class-wide precondition of Int.Bump is inherited by Approx_Int.Bump. Class-wide postcondition of Approx_Int.Bump is stronger than the one of Int.Bump.

Example #4

package OO_Example_04 is type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer; end record; function "+" (Arg1, Arg2 : Int) return Int with Pre'Class => Arg1.Min = Arg2.Min and Arg1.Max = Arg2.Max; type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural; end record; -- inherited function “+” end OO_Example_04;

This code is not correct. A type must be declared abstract or "+" overridden.

Example #5

package OO_Example_05 is type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer; end record; procedure Reset (Arg : out Int); type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural; end record; -- inherited procedure Reset end OO_Example_05;

This code is not correct. A type must be declared abstract or Reset overridden Reset is subject to Extensions_Visible False.

Example #6

package OO_Example_06 is type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer; end record; procedure Reset (Arg : out Int) with Extensions_Visible; type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural; end record; -- inherited procedure Reset end OO_Example_06;
package body OO_Example_06 is procedure Reset (Arg : out Int) is begin Arg := Int'(Min => -100, Max => 100, Value => 0); end Reset; end OO_Example_06;

This code is not correct. High: extension of Arg is not initialized in Reset.

Example #7

package OO_Example_07 is pragma Elaborate_Body; type Int is tagged record Min, Max, Value : Integer; end record; function Zero return Int; procedure Reset (Arg : out Int) with Extensions_Visible; type Approx_Int is new Int with record Precision : Natural; end record; overriding function Zero return Approx_Int; -- inherited procedure Reset end OO_Example_07;
package body OO_Example_07 is function Zero return Int is ((0, 0, 0)); procedure Reset (Arg : out Int) is begin Int'Class (Arg) := Zero; end Reset; function Zero return Approx_Int is ((0, 0, 0, 0)); end OO_Example_07;

This code is correct. Redispatching ensures that Arg is fully initialized on return.

Example #8

package File_System is type File is tagged private; function Closed (F : File) return Boolean; function Is_Open (F : File) return Boolean; procedure Create (F : out File) with Post'Class => F.Closed; procedure Open_Read (F : in out File) with Pre'Class => F.Closed, Post'Class => F.Is_Open; procedure Close (F : in out File) with Pre'Class => F.Is_Open, Post'Class => F.Closed; private type File is tagged record Closed : Boolean := True; Is_Open : Boolean := False; end record; function Closed (F : File) return Boolean is (F.Closed); function Is_Open (F : File) return Boolean is (F.Is_Open); end File_System;
package body File_System is procedure Create (F : out File) is begin F.Closed := True; F.Is_Open := False; end Create; procedure Open_Read (F : in out File) is begin F.Is_Open := True; end Open_Read; procedure Close (F : in out File) is begin F.Closed := True; end Close; end File_System;
with File_System; use File_System; procedure OO_Example_08 is procedure Use_File_System (F : out File'Class) is begin F.Create; F.Open_Read; F.Close; end Use_File_System; begin null; end OO_Example_08;

This code is correct. State automaton encoded in class-wide contracts is respected.

Example #9

package File_System.Sync is type File is new File_System.File with private; function Is_Synchronized (F : File) return Boolean; procedure Create (F : out File) with Post'Class => F.Closed; procedure Open_Read (F : in out File) with Pre'Class => F.Closed, Post'Class => F.Is_Open and F.Is_Synchronized; procedure Close (F : in out File) with Pre'Class => F.Is_Open and F.Is_Synchronized, Post'Class => F.Closed; private type File is new File_System.File with record In_Synch : Boolean := True; end record; function Is_Synchronized (F : File) return Boolean is (F.In_Synch); end File_System.Sync;
package body File_System.Sync is procedure Create (F : out File) is begin File_System.File (F).Create; F.In_Synch := True; end Create; procedure Open_Read (F : in out File) is begin File_System.File (F).Open_Read; F.In_Synch := True; end Open_Read; procedure Close (F : in out File) is begin File_System.File (F).Close; F.Closed := True; end Close; end File_System.Sync;
with File_System.Sync; use File_System.Sync; procedure OO_Example_09 is procedure Use_File_System (F : out File'Class) is begin F.Create; F.Open_Read; F.Close; end Use_File_System; begin null; end OO_Example_09;

This code is not correct. Medium: class-wide precondition might be stronger than overridden one

Example #10

package File_System.Sync is type File is new File_System.File with private; function Is_Synchronized (F : File) return Boolean; procedure Create (F : out File) with Post'Class => F.Closed; procedure Open_Read (F : in out File) with Pre'Class => F.Closed, Post'Class => F.Is_Open; procedure Close (F : in out File) with Pre'Class => F.Is_Open, Post'Class => F.Closed; private type File is new File_System.File with record In_Synch : Boolean; end record with Predicate => File_System.File (File).Closed or In_Synch; function Is_Synchronized (F : File) return Boolean is (F.In_Synch); end File_System.Sync;
package body File_System.Sync is procedure Create (F : out File) is begin File_System.File (F).Create; F.In_Synch := True; end Create; procedure Open_Read (F : in out File) is begin File_System.File (F).Open_Read; F.In_Synch := True; end Open_Read; procedure Close (F : in out File) is begin File_System.File (F).Close; F.Closed := True; end Close; end File_System.Sync;
with File_System.Sync; use File_System.Sync; procedure OO_Example_10 is procedure Use_File_System (F : out File'Class) is begin F.Create; F.Open_Read; F.Close; end Use_File_System; begin null; end OO_Example_10;

This code is correct. Predicate encodes the additional constraint on opened files. Type invariants are not yet supported on tagged types in SPARK.