Providing Component Access to Enclosing Record Objects
In some design situations we want to have a record component that is of a task or protected type. That in itself is trivially accomplished because task types and protected types can be used to declare record components. But there's more to this idiom.
We would want a task type or protected type record component when:
a task or protected object (PO) is required to implement part — but not all — of the record type's functionality, and
each such task or PO is intended to implement its functionality only for the object logically containing that specific task object or protected object. The record object and contained task/PO object pair is a functional unit, independent of all other such units.
This idiom applies to both enclosed task types and protected types, but for simplicity let's assume the record component will be of a protected type.
As part of a functional unit, the PO component will almost certainly be required to reference the other record components in the enclosing record object. That reference will allow the PO to read and/or update those other components. Note that these record components include discriminants, if any.
To be a functional unit, the record object referenced by a given PO in this relationship must be the same record object at run-time that contains that specific PO instance. That will allow the PO instance to implement the functionality for the specific record object containing that PO instance.
Unless we arrange it, that back-reference from the protected object to the record object isn't provided. Consider the following:
package Q is
protected type P is ... end P;
type R is record
Y : P;
end record;
end Q;
During execution, whenever an object of type Q.R
is declared or
allocated, at run-time we will have two objects, instances of two distinct
types — the record object and the protected object. Let's say that a
client declares an object Obj
of type R
. There is only one
reference direction defined, from the record denoted by Obj
to the
component protected object denoted by Obj.Y
. This idiom, however,
requires a reference in the opposite direction, from Oby.Y
This may seem like an unrealistic situation, but it is not. An IO device type that involves interrupt handling is just one real-world example, one that we will show in detail.
The idiom context is a type because there will often be multiple real-world entities being represented in software. Representing these entities as multiple objects declared of a single type is by far the most reasonable approach.
We assume the functional unit will be implemented as an Abstract Data Type (ADT). Strictly speaking, the ADT idiom is not required here, but that is the best approach for defining major types, for the good reasons given in that idiom entry. There's no reason not to use an ADT in this case so we will.
As mentioned, the implementation approach applies to enclosed components of both task types and protected types. We will continue the discussion in terms of protected types.
The implementation has two parts:
An access discriminant on the PO type, designating the enclosing record's type. That part is straightforward.
A value given to that discriminant that designates the object of the enclosing record type, i.e., the record object that contains that PO. That part requires a relatively obscure language construct.
Given those two parts, the PO can then dereference its access discriminant to read or update the other components in the same enclosing record object.
Consider the following (very artificial) package declaration illustrating these two parts:
package P is
type Device is tagged limited private;
protected type Controller (Encloser : not null access Device) is
-- Part 1
procedure Increment_X;
end Controller;
type Device is tagged limited record
X : Integer; -- arbitrary type
C : Controller (Encloser => ...);
-- Part 2, not fully shown yet
end record;
end P;
The record type named Device
contains a component named X
arbitrarily of type Integer
, and another component C
that is of
protected type Controller
. Part #1 of the implementation is the access
discriminant on the declaration of the protected type Controller
protected type Controller (Encloser : not null access Device) is
Given a value for the discriminant Encloser
, the code within the spec
and body of type Controller
can then reference some Device
object via that discriminant.
But not just any object of type Device
will suffice. For Part #2, we
must give the Encloser
discriminant a value that refers to the current
instance of the record object containing this same PO object. In the package
declaration above, the value passed to Encloser
is elided. The following
is that code again, now showing just the declaration for Device
, but
also including the construct that is actually passed. This is where the
subtlety comes into play:
type Device is tagged limited record
C : Controller (Encloser => Device'Access);
end record;
The subtlety is the expression Device'Access
. Within a type
declaration, usage of the type name denotes the current instance of that type.
The current instance of a type is the object of the type that is associated
with the execution that evaluates the type name. For example, during execution,
when an object of type Device
is elaborated, the name
refers to that object.
It isn't compiler-defined magic, the semantics are defined by the Ada standard so it is completely portable. (There are other cases for expressing the current instance of task types, protected types, and generics.)
Therefore, within the declaration of type Device
, the expression
provides an access value designating the current
instance of that type. This is exactly what we want and is the crux of the
idiom expression. With that discriminant value, the enclosed PO spec and body
can reference the other record components of the same object that contains the
To illustrate that, here is the package body for this trivial example. Note the
value referenced in the body of procedure Increment_X
package body P is
protected body Controller is
procedure Increment_X is
Encloser.X := Encloser.X + 1;
end Increment_X;
end Controller;
end P;
Specifically, the body of procedure Increment_X
can use the access
discriminant Encloser
to get to the current instance's X
component. (We could express it as Encloser.all.X
but why bother.
Implicit dereferencing is a wonderful thing.)
That's the implementation. Now for some necessary details.
Note that we declared type Device
as a limited type, first in the
visible part of the package:
type Device is tagged limited private;
and again in the type completion in the package private part:
type Device is tagged limited record ... end record;
We declare Device
as a limited type because we want to preclude
assignment statements for client objects of the type. Assignment of the
enclosing record object would leave the PO Encloser discriminant
designating the prior (right-hand side) enclosing object. If the PO is
written with the assumption that the enclosing object is always the one
identified during creation of the PO, that assumption will no longer
hold. We didn't state it up-front, but that is the assumption underlying
the idiom as described, and in fact, only limited types may have
a component that uses the Access
attribute in this way.
Also note that any type that includes a protected or task object
is limited, so a type like Device will necessarily be limited in any case.
The type need not be tagged for this approach, but it must be limited in both its partial view and its full view. More generally, a tagged type must be limited in both views if it is limited in either view.
For the idiom implementation to be legal, the type's completion in the private part
must not merely be limited, but actually immutably limited, meaning that it is always truly limited.
There are various ways to make that happen (see
AARM22 7.5 (8.1/3) ) but the easiest way to is to include the
reserved word limited
in the type definition within the full view, as we
did above. That is known as making the type explicitly limited. It turns out
having a task or protected component also makes it immutably limited, so
this requirement is naturally satisfied in this use case.
Why does the compiler require the type to be immutably limited?
Recall that a (non-tagged) private type need not be limited in both views. It can be limited in the partial client view but non-limited in its full view:
package Q is
type T is limited private;
-- the partial view for clients in package visible part
type T is record -- the full view in the package private part
end record;
end Q;
Clients must treat type Q.T
as if it is limited, but Q.T
isn't really limited because the full view defines reality. Clients simply
have a more restricted view of the type than is really the case.
Types that are immutably limited are necessarily
limited in all views.
That's important because the current instance of the
type given in type_name'Access
must be
aliased for 'Access
to be legal. But if the type's view could change between limited and not limited,
its current instance would be aliased in some contexts and not aliased in others. To prevent that
complexity, the language requires the type to be immutably limited so
that the current instance of the type will be aliased in every view.
In practice, we're working with record types and type
extensions, so just make the full type definition explicitly limited and all will be
package Q is
type T is limited private;
type T is limited record
end record;
end Q;
Then, as mentioned, you can choose whether the type will also be tagged.
Real-World Example
For a concrete, real-world example, suppose we have a serial IO device on an embedded target board. The device can be either a UART or USART. For the sake of brevity let's assume we have USARTs available.
Many boards have more than one USART resident, so it makes sense to represent
them in software as instances of an ADT. This example uses the USART ADT
supported in the
Ada Drivers Library (ADL)
that is named, imaginatively, USART. (We don't show package
, but you will see it referenced in the example's context
clauses.) Each of these USART devices can support either a polling
implementation or an interrupt-driven implementation. We will first define a
basic USART ADT, and then extend that to a new one that works with interrupts.
At the most basic level, to work with a given USART device we must combine it
with some other hardware, specifically the IO pins that connect it to the
outside world. That combination will be represented by a new ADT, the type
defined in package Serial_IO
Any given Serial_IO.Device
object will be associated permanently with
one USART. Therefore, type Device
will have a discriminant named
designating that USART
There are some low-level operations that a Serial_IO.Device
implement, such as initializing the hardware and setting the baud rate and so
forth. We can also implement the hardware-oriented input and output routines in
this package because both are independent of the polling or interrupt-driven
Here's the resulting package declaration for the serial IO device ADT. Parts of the package are elided for simplicity (the full code is at the end of this idiom entry):
with STM32; use STM32;
with STM32.GPIO; use STM32.GPIO;
with STM32.USARTs; use STM32.USARTs;
with HAL; -- the ADL's Hardware Abstraction Layer
package Serial_IO is
type Device (Transceiver : not null access USART) is tagged limited private;
procedure Initialize
(This : in out Device;
Tx_Pin : GPIO_Point;
Rx_Pin : GPIO_Point;
procedure Configure (This : in out Device; Baud_Rate : Baud_Rates; ...);
procedure Put (This : in out Device; Data : HAL.UInt8) with Inline;
procedure Get (This : in out Device; Data : out HAL.UInt8) with Inline;
type Device (Transceiver : not null access USART) is tagged limited record
Tx_Pin : GPIO_Point;
Rx_Pin : GPIO_Point;
end record;
end Serial_IO;
When called, procedure Initialize
does the hardware setup required, such
as enabling power for the USART and pins. We can ignore those details for
this discussion.
Given this basic Device
type we can then use inheritance (type
extension) to define distinct types that support the polling and
interrupt-driven facilities. These types will themselves be ADTs. Let's focus
on the new interrupt-driven ADT, named Serial_Port
. This type will be
declared in the child package Serial_IO.Interrupt_Driven
When interrupts are used, each USART raises a USART-specific interrupt for
sending and receiving. Each interrupt occurrence is specific to one device.
Therefore, the interrupt handler code is specific to each Serial_Port
object instance. We use protected objects as interrupt handlers in (canonical)
Ada, hence each Serial_Port
object will contain a dedicated interrupt
handling PO as a record component.
As a controller and handler for a USART's interrupts, the PO will require a way to access the USART and pins being driven. Our idiom design provides that access.
Here is the client view of the ADT for the interrupt-driven implementation:
with Ada.Interrupts; use Ada.Interrupts;
with HAL;
with System; use System;
package Serial_IO.Interrupt_Driven is
type Serial_Port
(Transceiver : not null access USART;
IRQ : Interrupt_ID;
IRQ_Priority : Interrupt_Priority)
is new Serial_IO.Device with private;
-- The procedures Initialize and Configure, among others, are
-- implicitly declared here as operations inherited from
-- Serial_IO.Device.
procedure Put (This : in out Serial_Port; Data : HAL.UInt8)
with Inline;
procedure Get (This : in out Serial_Port; Data : out HAL.UInt8)
with Inline;
end Serial_IO.Interrupt_Driven;
The declaration of type Serial_Port
Interface Inheritance to extend
with both visible and hidden components. The three
visible extension components are the discriminants Transceiver
, and IRQ_Priority
. Transceiver
will designate the
to drive (discussed in a moment). IRQ
is the
indicating the interrupt that the associated USART
raises. IRQ_Priority
is the priority for that interrupt. (IRQ in a
common abbreviation for Interrupt ReQuest.) These two interrupt-oriented
discriminants are used within the PO declaration to configure it for interrupt
Clients will know which USART they are working with so they will be able to determine which interrupt ID and priority to specify, presumably by consulting the board documentation.
Now let's examine the Serial_Port
type completion in the package's
private part.
We've said we will use a PO interrupt handler as a component of the
record type. This PO type, named IO_Manager
, will
include discriminants for the two interrupt-specific values it requires as an
interrupt handler. It will also have a discriminant providing access to the
enclosing Serial_Port
record type.
protected type IO_Manager
(IRQ : Interrupt_ID;
IRQ_Priority : Interrupt_Priority;
Port : not null access Serial_Port)
Interrupt_Priority => IRQ_Priority
entry Put (Datum : HAL.UInt8);
entry Get (Datum : out HAL.UInt8);
procedure IRQ_Handler with Attach_Handler => IRQ;
end IO_Manager;
Note how the first two discriminants are used within the type declaration to
give the priority of the PO and to attach the interrupt handler procedure
to the interrupt indicated by IRQ
. The Port
discriminant will be the back-reference to the enclosing record object.
We can then, finally, provide the Serial_Port
type completion, in which
the record object and protected object are connected whenever a
object is declared:
type Serial_Port
(Transceiver : not null access USART;
IRQ : Interrupt_ID;
IRQ_Priority : Interrupt_Priority)
is new Serial_IO.Device (Transceiver) with record
Controller : IO_Manager (IRQ, IRQ_Priority, Serial_Port'Access);
end record;
The type completion repeats the declaration in the public part, up to the point
where the Serial_Port.Transceiver
discriminant is passed to the
discriminant. Type Device
must be
constrained with a discriminant value here, so we just pass the discriminant
defined for Serial_Port
Why does Serial_Port
also have a Transceiver
discriminant? Just
as Serial_IO.Device
is a complete wrapper for the combination of a USART and IO
pins, Serial_Port
is a stand-alone wrapper for Serial_IO.Device
. Hence
also needs a discriminant designating a USART
to be complete.
The full definition of type Serial_Port
contains the declaration of the
component named Controller
, of the protected type IO_Manager
. The
two interrupt-oriented discriminants from Serial_Port
are passed to the
discriminants defined for this PO component. The third IO_Manager
discriminant value, Serial_Port'Access
, denotes the current instance of
the Serial_Port
type. Thus the idiom requirements are achieved.
Let's see that back-reference in use within the protected body.
As mentioned, there is one interrupt used for both sending and receiving, per
. Strictly speaking, the device itself does use two dedicated
interrupts, one indicating that a 9-bit value has been received, and one
indicating that transmission for a single 9-bit value has completed. But these
two are signaled to the software on one interrupt line, and that is the value
indicated by IRQ
Therefore, there is one interrupt handling protected procedure, named
. In response to this interrupt, IRQ_Handler
determines which event has occurred by checking one of the
status registers. The back-reference through
makes that possible. Other Transceiver
routines are
also called via Port
, and Port.all
is passed to the
and Get
procedure IRQ_Handler is
-- check for data arrival
if Port.Transceiver.Status (Read_Data_Register_Not_Empty) and then
Port.Transceiver.Interrupt_Enabled (Received_Data_Not_Empty)
then -- handle reception
-- call the Serial_IO.Device version:
Get (Serial_IO.Device (Port.all), Incoming);
Await_Reception_Complete : loop
exit when not Port.Transceiver.Status (Read_Data_Register_Not_Empty);
end loop Await_Reception_Complete;
Port.Transceiver.Disable_Interrupts (Received_Data_Not_Empty);
Port.Transceiver.Clear_Status (Read_Data_Register_Not_Empty);
Incoming_Data_Available := True;
end if;
-- check for transmission ready
if Port.Transceiver.Status (Transmission_Complete_Indicated) and then
Port.Transceiver.Interrupt_Enabled (Transmission_Complete)
then -- handle transmission
-- call the Serial_IO.Device version:
Put (Serial_IO.Device (Port.all), Outgoing);
Port.Transceiver.Disable_Interrupts (Transmission_Complete);
Port.Transceiver.Clear_Status (Transmission_Complete_Indicated);
Transmission_Pending := False;
end if;
end IRQ_Handler;
In this example, although the PO only accesses the Transceiver
component in the enclosing record object, additional functionality might need
to access more components, for this example perhaps using some of the
inherited IO pin components.
The implementation is directly expressed, requiring only an access discriminant and
the current instance semantics of type_name'Access
Although the real-word example is complex — multiple discriminants are involved, and a type extension — the implementation itself requires little text. Interrupt handling is relatively complex in any language.
The record type must be truly a limited type, but that is not the severe limitation it was in earlier versions of Ada. Note that although access discriminants are required, there is no dynamic allocation involved.
Relationship With Other Idioms
This idiom is useful when we have a record type enclosing a PO or task object. If the Abstract Data Machine (ADM) would instead be appropriate, the necessary visibility can be achieved without requiring this implementation approach because there would be no enclosing record type. But as described in the ADM discussion, the ADT approach is usually superior.
As a wrapper abstraction for a USART, package Serial_IO
is still
more hardware-specific than absolutely necessary, as reflected in the
parameters' types for procedure Initialize
and the corresponding
record component types. We could use the Hardware Abstraction Layer
(HAL) to further isolate the hardware dependencies, but that doesn't
affect the idiom expression itself.
Full Source Code for Selected Units
We did not show some significant parts of the code discussed above, for the sake of not obscuring the points being made. Doing so, however, means that the interested reader cannot see how everything fits together and works, such as the actual IO using interrupts. The code below shows the relevant packages in their entirety. Note that the ADL STM32 hierarchy packages and the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) package are in the Ada Drivers Library on GitHub.
First, the basic Serial_IO
with STM32; use STM32;
with STM32.GPIO; use STM32.GPIO;
with STM32.USARTs; use STM32.USARTs;
with HAL;
package Serial_IO is
type Device (Transceiver : not null access USART) is tagged limited private;
procedure Initialize
(This : in out Device;
Transceiver_AF : GPIO_Alternate_Function;
Tx_Pin : GPIO_Point;
Rx_Pin : GPIO_Point;
CTS_Pin : GPIO_Point;
RTS_Pin : GPIO_Point);
-- must be called before Configure
procedure Configure
(This : in out Device;
Baud_Rate : Baud_Rates;
Parity : Parities := No_Parity;
Data_Bits : Word_Lengths := Word_Length_8;
End_Bits : Stop_Bits := Stopbits_1;
Control : Flow_Control := No_Flow_Control);
procedure Set_CTS (This : in out Device; Value : Boolean) with Inline;
procedure Set_RTS (This : in out Device; Value : Boolean) with Inline;
procedure Put (This : in out Device; Data : HAL.UInt8) with Inline;
procedure Get (This : in out Device; Data : out HAL.UInt8) with Inline;
type Device (Transceiver : not null access USART) is tagged limited record
Tx_Pin : GPIO_Point;
Rx_Pin : GPIO_Point;
CTS_Pin : GPIO_Point;
RTS_Pin : GPIO_Point;
end record;
end Serial_IO;
And the package body:
with STM32.Device; use STM32.Device;
package body Serial_IO is
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize
(This : in out Device;
Transceiver_AF : GPIO_Alternate_Function;
Tx_Pin : GPIO_Point;
Rx_Pin : GPIO_Point;
CTS_Pin : GPIO_Point;
RTS_Pin : GPIO_Point)
IO_Pins : constant GPIO_Points := Rx_Pin & Tx_Pin;
This.Tx_Pin := Tx_Pin;
This.Rx_Pin := Rx_Pin;
This.CTS_Pin := CTS_Pin;
This.RTS_Pin := RTS_Pin;
Enable_Clock (This.Transceiver.all);
Enable_Clock (IO_Pins);
Config => (Mode_AF,
AF => Transceiver_AF,
AF_Speed => Speed_50MHz,
AF_Output_Type => Push_Pull,
Resistors => Pull_Up));
Enable_Clock (RTS_Pin & CTS_Pin);
Configure_IO (RTS_Pin, Config => (Mode_In, Resistors => Pull_Up));
Config => (Mode_Out,
Speed => Speed_50MHz,
Output_Type => Push_Pull,
Resistors => Pull_Up));
end Initialize;
-- Configure --
procedure Configure
(This : in out Device;
Baud_Rate : Baud_Rates;
Parity : Parities := No_Parity;
Data_Bits : Word_Lengths := Word_Length_8;
End_Bits : Stop_Bits := Stopbits_1;
Control : Flow_Control := No_Flow_Control)
This.Transceiver.Set_Baud_Rate (Baud_Rate);
This.Transceiver.Set_Mode (Tx_Rx_Mode);
This.Transceiver.Set_Stop_Bits (End_Bits);
This.Transceiver.Set_Word_Length (Data_Bits);
This.Transceiver.Set_Parity (Parity);
This.Transceiver.Set_Flow_Control (Control);
end Configure;
-- Set_CTS --
procedure Set_CTS (This : in out Device; Value : Boolean) is
This.CTS_Pin.Drive (Value);
end Set_CTS;
-- Set_RTS --
procedure Set_RTS (This : in out Device; Value : Boolean) is
This.RTS_Pin.Drive (Value);
end Set_RTS;
-- Put --
procedure Put (This : in out Device; Data : HAL.UInt8) is
This.Transceiver.Transmit (HAL.UInt9 (Data));
end Put;
-- Get --
procedure Get (This : in out Device; Data : out HAL.UInt8) is
Received : HAL.UInt9;
This.Transceiver.Receive (Received);
Data := HAL.UInt8 (Received);
end Get;
end Serial_IO;
Next, the interrupt-driven extension.
with Ada.Interrupts; use Ada.Interrupts;
with HAL;
with System; use System;
package Serial_IO.Interrupt_Driven is
pragma Elaborate_Body;
type Serial_Port
(Transceiver : not null access USART;
IRQ : Interrupt_ID;
IRQ_Priority : Interrupt_Priority)
is new Serial_IO.Device with private;
-- A serial port that uses interrupts for I/O. Extends the Device
-- abstraction that is itself a wrapper for the USARTs hardware.
-- The procedures Initialize and Configure, among others, are implicitly
-- declared here, as operations inherited from Serial_IO.Device
procedure Put (This : in out Serial_Port; Data : HAL.UInt8)
with Inline;
-- Non-blocking, ie the caller can return before the Data goes out,
-- but does block until the underlying UART is not doing any other
-- transmitting. Does no polling. Will not interfere with any other I/O
-- on the same device.
procedure Get (This : in out Serial_Port; Data : out HAL.UInt8)
with Inline;
-- Blocks the caller until a character is available! Does no polling.
-- Will not interfere with any other I/O on the same device.
-- The protected type defining the interrupt-based I/O for sending and
-- receiving via the USART attached to the serial port designated by
-- Port. Each serial port object of the type defined by this package has
-- a component of this protected type.
protected type IO_Manager
(IRQ : Interrupt_ID;
IRQ_Priority : Interrupt_Priority;
Port : not null access Serial_Port)
-- with
-- Interrupt_Priority => IRQ_Priority -- compiler bug :-(
pragma Interrupt_Priority (IRQ_Priority);
entry Put (Datum : HAL.UInt8);
entry Get (Datum : out HAL.UInt8);
Outgoing : HAL.UInt8;
Incoming : HAL.UInt8;
Incoming_Data_Available : Boolean := False;
Transmission_Pending : Boolean := False;
procedure IRQ_Handler with Attach_Handler => IRQ;
end IO_Manager;
type Serial_Port
(Transceiver : not null access USART;
IRQ : Interrupt_ID;
IRQ_Priority : Interrupt_Priority)
new Serial_IO.Device (Transceiver) with
Controller : IO_Manager (IRQ, IRQ_Priority, Serial_Port'Access);
-- Note that Serial_Port'Access provides the Controller with a view
-- to the current instance's components, including the discriminant
-- components
end record;
end Serial_IO.Interrupt_Driven;
And the package body:
with STM32.Device; use STM32.Device;
package body Serial_IO.Interrupt_Driven is
-- Put --
procedure Put (This : in out Serial_Port; Data : HAL.UInt8) is
This.Controller.Put (Data);
end Put;
-- Get --
procedure Get (This : in out Serial_Port; Data : out HAL.UInt8) is
This.Transceiver.Enable_Interrupts (Received_Data_Not_Empty);
This.Controller.Get (Data);
end Get;
-- IO_Manager --
protected body IO_Manager is
-- IRQ_Handler --
procedure IRQ_Handler is
-- check for data arrival
if Port.Transceiver.Status (Read_Data_Register_Not_Empty) and then
Port.Transceiver.Interrupt_Enabled (Received_Data_Not_Empty)
then -- handle reception
-- call the Serial_IO.Device version:
Get (Serial_IO.Device (Port.all), Incoming);
Await_Reception_Complete : loop
exit when not
Port.Transceiver.Status (Read_Data_Register_Not_Empty);
end loop Await_Reception_Complete;
Port.Transceiver.Disable_Interrupts (Received_Data_Not_Empty);
Port.Transceiver.Clear_Status (Read_Data_Register_Not_Empty);
Incoming_Data_Available := True;
end if;
-- check for transmission ready
if Port.Transceiver.Status (Transmission_Complete_Indicated) and then
Port.Transceiver.Interrupt_Enabled (Transmission_Complete)
then -- handle transmission
-- call the Serial_IO.Device version:
Put (Serial_IO.Device (Port.all), Outgoing);
Port.Transceiver.Disable_Interrupts (Transmission_Complete);
Port.Transceiver.Clear_Status (Transmission_Complete_Indicated);
Transmission_Pending := False;
end if;
end IRQ_Handler;
-- Put --
entry Put (Datum : HAL.UInt8) when not Transmission_Pending is
Transmission_Pending := True;
Outgoing := Datum;
Port.Transceiver.Enable_Interrupts (Transmission_Complete);
end Put;
-- Get --
entry Get (Datum : out HAL.UInt8) when Incoming_Data_Available is
Datum := Incoming;
Incoming_Data_Available := False;
end Get;
end IO_Manager;
end Serial_IO.Interrupt_Driven;