Type Punning
When declaring an object, the type chosen by the developer is presumably one that meets the operational requirements. Sometimes, however, the chosen type is not sufficient for clients of that object. Normally that situation would indicate a design error, but not necessarily.
Consider a device driver that receives external data, such as a network or serial I/O driver. Typically the driver presents incoming data to clients as arrays of raw bytes. That's how the data enter the receiving machine, so that's the most natural representation at the lowest level of the device driver code. However, that representation is not likely sufficient for the higher-level clients. These clients are not necessarily at the application level, they may be lower than that, but they are clients because they use the data presented.
For example, the next level of the network processing code must interpret the byte arrays in order to implement the network protocol. Interpreting the data requires reading headers that are logically contained within slices of those bytes. These headers are naturally represented as record types containing multiple fields. How, then, can the developer apply such record types? An array of bytes contains bytes, not headers.
Stated generally, on occasion a developer needs to manipulate or access the value of a given object in a manner not supported by the object's type. The issue is that the compiler will enforce the type model defined by the language, to some degree of rigor, potentially resulting in the rejection of the alternative access and manipulation code. In such cases the developer must circumvent this enforcement. That's the purpose of this idiom.
A common circumvention technique, across programming languages, is to apply multiple distinct types to a single given object. Doing so makes available additional operations or accesses not provided by the type used to declare the object in the first place. The technique is known as type punning in the programming community because different types are used for the same object in much the same way that a pun in natural languages uses different meanings for words that sound the same when spoken.
Ada is accurately described as "a language with inherently reliable features, only compromised via explicit escape hatches having well-defined and portable semantics when used appropriately." [1] The foundation for this reliability is static named typing with rigorous enforcement by the compiler.
Specifically, the Ada compiler checks that the operations and values applied to an object are consistent with the one type specified when the object is declared. Any usage not consistent with that type is rejected by the compiler. Similarly, the Ada compiler also checks that any type conversions involve only those types that the language defines as meaningfully convertible.
By design, this strong typing model does not lend itself to circumvention (thankfully). That's the point of Ada's escape hatches — they provide standard ways to circumvent these and other checks. To maintain the integrity of the type model not many escape hatches exist. The most commonly used of these, unchecked conversion, allows type conversion between arbitrary types. Unchecked conversions remain explicit, but the compiler does not limit them to the types defined as reasonable by the language.
There are two common approaches for expressing type punning in Ada. We show both in the following subsections. The purpose in both approaches is to apply a different type, thereby making available a different type-specific view of the storage.
The first approach applies an alternative type to an existing object by declaring another object at the same location in memory but with a different type. Given an existing object, the developer:
declares (or reuses) an alternative type that provides the required operations and values not provided by the existing object's type, and
declares another object of this alternative type, and
as part of the new object's declaration, specifies that this new object shares some or all of the storage occupied by the existing object.
The result is a partial or complete storage overlay. Because there are now multiple distinct types involved, there are multiple views of that shared storage, each view providing different operations and values. Thus, the shared storage can be legally manipulated in distinct ways. As usual, the Ada compiler verifies that the usage corresponds to the type view presented by the object name referenced.
For example, let's say that we have an existing object, and that a signed integer is most appropriate for its type. On some occasions let's also say we need to access individual bits within that existing object. Signed integer types don't support bit-level operations, unlike unsigned integers, but we've said that a signed type is the best fit for the bulk of the usage.
One of the ways to enable bit access, then, is to apply another type that does have bit-level operations. We could overlay the existing object with an unsigned integer type of the same size, but let's take a different approach for the sake of illustration. Instead, we'll declare an array type with components that can be represented as a single bit. The length of the array type will reflect the number of bits used by the signed integer type so that the entire object will be overlaid. (A record type would work too, with a component allocated to each bit.)
The type Boolean
will suffice for the array component type as long as
we force the single-bit representation. Boolean
array components are
likely to be represented as individual bytes otherwise. Alternatively, we could
just make up an integer type with range 0 .. 1
but that seems
unnecessary, unless numeric values would make the code clearer. (Maybe the
requirements specify ones and zeros for the bit values.) In any case we'll need
to force single bits for the components.
Assuming values of type Integer
require exactly 32 bits, the following
code illustrates the approach:
type Bits32 is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1;
X : aliased Integer;
Y : Bits32 with Address => X'Address;
In the above, we use X'Address
to query the starting address of object
. We use that address to specify the location of the overlay object
. As a result, X
and Y
start at the same address.
We marked X
as explicitly aliased
because Integer
is not
a by-reference type. The Address
attribute is not required to provide a
useful result otherwise. (Maybe the compiler would have put X
into a register, for
example.) The compiler, seeing 'Address
applied, would probably do the
right thing anyway, but this makes it certain.
Here is a simple main program that illustrates the approach.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is X : aliased Integer := 42; type Bits32 is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1; Y : Bits32 with Address => X'Address; begin X := Integer'First; Put_Line (X'Image); for Bit in Bits32'Range loop Put (if Y (Bit) then '1' else '0'); end loop; New_Line; end Main;
Object Y
starts at the same address as X
and has the same size,
so all references to X
and Y
refer to the same storage. The source
code can manipulate that memory as either a signed integer or as an array of
bits, including individual bit access, using the two object names. The compiler
will ensure that every reference via X
is compatible with the integer
view, and every reference via Y
is compatible with the array view.
In the above example, we've ignored the endianess issue. If you wanted to change the sign bit, for example, or display the bits in the "correct" order, you'd need to handle that detail.
This expression of type-punning does not use an escape hatch but does achieve the effect. (We don't include address clauses as an escape hatch because address clauses aren't dedicated to overlaying multiple objects of different types. On the other hand, even one Ada object with an address specified overlays that object's view with the machine storage view of that address...)
Unchecked Conversions on Address Values
The common implementation of type punning, across multiple languages, involves converting the address of a given object into a pointer designating the alternative type to be applied. Dereferencing the resulting pointer provides a different compile-time view of the object. Thus, the operations defined by the alternative type are made applicable to the object.
Expressing this approach in Ada requires unchecked conversion because, in Ada, address values are semantically distinct from pointer values (access values). An access value might be represented by an address value, but because architectures vary, that implementation in not guaranteed. Therefore, the language does not define checked conversions between addresses and access values. We need the escape hatch.
Unchecked conversion requires instantiation of the generic function
, including a context clause for that unit,
making it a relatively heavy mechanism. This heaviness is intentional, and the
with_clause at the top of the client unit makes it noticeable. Although
ubiquitous use strongly suggests abuse of the type model, in this case
unchecked conversion is necessary. Nevertheless, we'd hide its use within the
body of some visible unit.
Let's start with a simple example. There is an accelerometer that provides three signed 16-bit acceleration values, one for each axis. Accelerations can be both positive and negative so the signed type is appropriate. These values are read from the device as two unsigned bytes. The two bytes are read individually so two reads are required per acceleration value. (This is an actual, real-world device.) Because the acceleration values are signed 16-bit integers, we need to convert two unsigned bytes into a single signed 16-bit quantity. We can use type punning, based on a pointer designating the 16-bit signed type, to achieve that effect. There are certainly other ways to do this, but we're starting with something simple for the sake of illustrating this idiom.
In the following fragment, type Acceleration
is a signed 16-bit
integer type already declared elsewhere:
type Acceleration_Pointer is access all Acceleration
with Storage_Size => 0;
function As_Acceleration_Pointer is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(Source => System.Address, Target => Acceleration_Pointer);
The access type is general, not pool-specific, but that is optional. We tell the compiler to reserve no storage for the access type because an allocation would be an error that we want the compiler to catch. Whether or not the compiler actually reserves storage for an individual access type is implementation-dependent, but this way we can be sure. In any case the compiler will reject any allocations.
Given this access type declaration we can then instantiate
. The resulting function name is a matter of
style but is appropriate because the function allows us to treat an address as
a pointer to an Acceleration
value. We aren't changing the address value,
we're only providing another view of that value, which is why the function name
is not To_Acceleration_Pointer
The following is the device driver routine for getting the scaled accelerations
from the device. The type Three_Axis_Accelerometer
is the device driver
ADT, and type Axes_Accelerations
is a record type containing the three axis values. The procedure gets the raw
acceleration values from the device and scales them per the current device
sensitivity, returning all three in the mode-out record parameter.
procedure Get_Accelerations
(This : Three_Axis_Accelerometer;
Axes : out Axes_Accelerations)
Buffer : array (0 .. 5) of UInt8 with Alignment => 2, Size => 48;
Scaled : Float;
type Acceleration_Pointer is access all Acceleration
with Storage_Size => 0;
function As_Acceleration_Pointer is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(Source => System.Address, Target => Acceleration_Pointer);
This.Loc_IO_Read (Buffer (0), OUT_X_L);
This.Loc_IO_Read (Buffer (1), OUT_X_H);
This.Loc_IO_Read (Buffer (2), OUT_Y_L);
This.Loc_IO_Read (Buffer (3), OUT_Y_H);
This.Loc_IO_Read (Buffer (4), OUT_Z_L);
This.Loc_IO_Read (Buffer (5), OUT_Z_H);
Get_X : declare
Raw : Acceleration renames
As_Acceleration_Pointer (Buffer (0)'Address).all;
Scaled := Float (Raw) * This.Sensitivity;
Axes.X := Acceleration (Scaled);
end Get_X;
Get_Y : declare
Raw : Acceleration renames
As_Acceleration_Pointer (Buffer (2)'Address).all;
Scaled := Float (Raw) * This.Sensitivity;
Axes.Y := Acceleration (Scaled);
end Get_Y;
Get_Z : declare
Raw : Acceleration renames
As_Acceleration_Pointer (Buffer (4)'Address).all;
Scaled := Float (Raw) * This.Sensitivity;
Axes.Z := Acceleration (Scaled);
end Get_Z;
end Get_Accelerations;
This procedure first reads the six bytes representing all three acceleration
values into the array Buffer
. Procedure Loc_IO_Read
is defined
by the driver ADT. The constants
and OUT_n_H
, also defined by the driver, specify the low-order and high-order bytes
requested for the given n axis. Then the declare blocks do the actual scaling
and that's where the type punning is applied to the Buffer
In each block, the address of one of the bytes in the array is converted into
an access value designating a two-byte Acceleration
The X
acceleration is first in the buffer, so the address of
Buffer (0)
is converted. Likewise, the address of Buffer (2)
converted for the Y
axis value, and for the Z
Buffer (4)
is converted. (We could have said Buffer'Address
instead of
Buffer (0)'Address
, they mean the same thing, but an explicit index seemed more
clear, given the need for the other indexes.)
But we want the designated axis acceleration value, not the access value, so
we also dereference the converted access value via .all
, and rename the
result for convenience. The name is Raw
because the value needs to be
scaled. Each dereference reads two bytes, i.e., the bytes at indexes 0 and 1,
or 2 and 3, or 4 and 5.
That's the way the device driver is written currently, but it could be simpler.
Clients always get all three accelerations via this procedure, so we could have
used unchecked conversion to directly convert the entire array of six bytes
into a value of the record type Axes_Accelerations
containing the three
16-bit components. Type punning would not be required in that case. (The
components would still need scaling, of course.)
Note that to get individual values we can't just convert a slice of the array because that's illegal: array slices cannot be converted. We'd need some other way to refer to a two-byte pair within the array. Type punning would be an appropriate approach.
For that matter we could use type punning but have the record type be the
designated type returned from the address conversion, rather than a single axis
value. Then we'd just convert Buffer'Address
and not need to specify
array indexes as all. This would be the same as converting the array to the record
type, but with a level of indirection added.
For the network packet example, we want to apply record type views to arbitrary
sequences within an array of raw bytes, so indexing will be required.
Just as we indexed into the accelerometer Buffer
for the addresses of
the individual 16-bit acceleration values, we can index into the network packet
array to get the starting addresses of the individual headers. Regular record
component access syntax can then be used. Reading the record components reads
the corresponding raw bytes in the array.
For a specific example, we can read the IP header in a packet's array of bytes using the header's record type and an access type designating that record type:
Min_IP_Header_Length : constant := 20;
-- IP packet header RFC 791.
type IP_Header is record
Version : UInt4;
Word_Count : UInt4;
Type_of_Service : UInt8;
Total_Length : UInt16;
Identifier : UInt16;
Flags_Offset : UInt16;
Time_To_Live : UInt8;
Protocol : Transport_Protocol;
Checksum : UInt16;
Source : IP_Address;
Destination : IP_Address;
end record with
Alignment => 2,
Size => Min_IP_Header_Length * 8;
for IP_Header use record
Version at 0 range 4 .. 7;
Word_Count at 0 range 0 .. 3;
Type_of_Service at 1 range 0 .. 7;
Total_Length at 2 range 0 .. 15;
Identifier at 4 range 0 .. 15;
Flags_Offset at 6 range 0 .. 15;
Time_To_Live at 8 range 0 .. 7;
Protocol at 9 range 0 .. 7;
Checksum at 10 range 0 .. 15;
Source at 12 range 0 .. 31;
Destination at 16 range 0 .. 31;
end record;
for IP_Header'Bit_Order use System.Low_Order_First;
for IP_Header'Scalar_Storage_Order use System.Low_Order_First;
type IP_Header_Access is access all IP_Header;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (IP_Header_Access);
-- and so on, for the other kinds of headers...
Note that pragma No_Strict_Aliasing
stops the compiler from doing some
optimizations, based on the assumption of a lack of aliasing, that could cause
unexpected results in this approach.
function As_IP_Header_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(Source => System.Address, Target => IP_Header_Access);
function As_ARP_Header_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(Source => System.Address, Target => ARP_Packet_Access);
-- and so on, for the other kinds of headers...
We can then implement a function, visible to clients, for acquiring the access value from a given memory buffer's data:
function IP_Hdr (This : Memory_Buffer) return IP_Header_Access is
(As_IP_Header_Access (This.Packet.Data (IP_Pos)'Address));
In the function, Data
is the packet's array of raw bytes, and
is a constant specifying the index into the array corresponding
to the first byte of the IP header. As you can see, this is the same approach
as shown earlier for working with an array of bytes containing acceleration
Similar functions support ARP headers, TCP headers, and so on.
Both approaches work and are fairly simple, although the first is simplest. The second approach, based on converting addresses to access values, is more flexible. That's because the address to be converted can be changed at run-time, whereas the object overlay specifies the address exactly once during elaboration.
We're assuming access values are represented as addresses. There's no guarantee of that. But on typical architectures it will likely work.
That said, not all types can support the address conversion approach. In particular, unconstrained array types may not work correctly because of the existence of the additional in-memory representation of the bounds. An access value designating such an object might point at the bounds of the array whereas the address of the object would point to the first element.
In either approach, the developer is responsible for the correctness of the address values applied, either for the second object's declaration or for the pointer conversion. For example, this includes the alternative type's alignment. Otherwise, all bets are off.
Relationship With Other Idioms
Generic package System.Address_To_Access_Conversions
is an obvious
alternative to our use of unchecked conversions between addresses and access
values. The generic is convenient: it provides the access type as well as
functions for converting in both directions. But it will require an
instantiation for each designated type, so it offers no reduction in the number
of instantiations required over that of Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(For more details on this generic package, please refer to the section on
access and address.)
Moreover, because that generic package is defined by the language, the naïve user might think it will work for all types. It might not. Unconstrained array types remain a potential problem. For that reason, the GNAT implementation issues a warning in such cases.